New Life & Peace Ministries

New Life & Peace Ministries

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to Maria and Miguel

 Is very nice to see Maria growing everyday, she is twelve years old now and thank God she is also improving in different areas; She is doing better in reading and writting.  We can see God´s grace in her life and we now that is the Lord who has the perfect plans for her.
Maria is happy to share with the kids
her cake
Her brother Angel decorated the cake

The girls have been baking the birthday cakes
they are doing a great job
Miguel is 21 years old and he is going to finish his carreer next year

Geovany Miguels´s brother is the one that is giving to Miguel the cake, is very nice to see them growing togheter. Marias´s brother is also the one who decorated and serve the cake to Maria. For them is very important to have people to count with, and to have a family that loves them.