New Life & Peace Ministries

New Life & Peace Ministries

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The boys and the girls playing soccer

The children are enjoying playing soccer in a mini championship with another teams from a town close to our home. Four weeks ago they had their first game and it was really exciting to see the little ones playing with a lot of courage and giving their best. , also the girls did very good..
Walter did the 3 goles 

Oliver, Noe, Tomas, Fernando, Walter and Tony. They played excellent we are very proud of them.
Our children with yellow t-shirts

Debora, Lesly, Maria, Fernanda and Karla
Rodolfo and Adrian were more excited than the children, the big boys!!
Fernanda loves to play soccer in her free time.

Fernanda, Karla, Debora, Lesly and Maria where really brave and played excellent.