New Life & Peace Ministries

New Life & Peace Ministries

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Last week.

A week and a half ago the church had a baby shower for one of our new mothers. They are a young couple and this is their first baby. All the girls from the house were able to go (except me. So this is second hand info.)
Enma with her cake.

Playing a game where one person is blindfolded and one person is feeding that person baby food. Graciela, our house mother, is in the green shirt on the left being fed the baby food.

Too bad I wasn't there. That cake looks good. :)

And of course, lots of presents for the new family.

Last Friday we received three new children. They are two sisters and a brother. Sorry I haven't had a chance to get a better picture of them.

Victor is 7. Fernanda is 9 (almost 10-yay for more birthday cake!) and Kati is 11.
They are starting to settle in. It is difficult to be in a new place and learn everyone's names as well as all the new rules. I can see already it is getting a little easier for them.

Yesterday one of our teens Edgar had a friend over for lunch. He was very excited and even bought Coke for the lunch. Well, he asked me to pick it up for him and he would pay me later. Later. Haven't seen "later" yet. He even went to the next town to ride back with her so she wouldn't be lost. :)

She told me her 20th birthday was on Friday. When I later asked Edgar if she knew his age (he is only 17) he said yes, and that is why she didn't want to date him. Poor guy. I told him it wouldn't matter so much in 4 or 5 years. He said that by then some other lucky guy would have her. :(

It was fun to have our kids friends over. We had a special lunch of hamburger patties, rice and radishes. I hate radishes. With a captial H. They burn my tongue and taste terrible. But yesterday they were grated and for some reason I thought it was cabbage. So I ate it. Not that I really like cabbage either. But it was better than radishes. And I have to tell you, they weren't too bad. They had lime on them. But the radishes here must be sweeter or something. Because I didn't even have to choke them down! Just a side note for you.

I almost forgot to tell you about the garage sale. I made cookies with Lesly on Thursday to sell the next day.

But Friday morning we woke up to a storm and it was raining pretty hard so we postponed it. It happened Saturday morning but they forgot to let me know so I don't have any pictures. I am sorry. But they did well and raised a lot of money towards their camp. And we will have another one in a couple of weeks.

This week there is not much on the schedule. But something always seems to come up. Take care and have a blessed week!

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